Animal Rehabilitation Centre Donations

Donations unfortunately are always relied on by any type of Rehabilitation Centre. Without the many donations that have come our way whether in the form of money, furniture, netting food or blankets and towels, we would be struggling in some way. Everything is of great importance to the Wild life Rehabilitation Centre to help these critters on their way to recovery or to make their home as comfortable and natural as possible. Your kind donations would be more than appreciated and we always say the creatures need us to speak for them and you in return can help us out in many ways. Do contact us if you would like to have some guidance in this respect. Thank you in advance!

Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre


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To the Letaba Rotary Club who sponsored the tiling of our clinic roof.
The difference it has made to the health and safety on the presiding patients is incredible.

Complete the form below to donate

    Title *

    Name *

    Last Name *

    Email *

    Mobile No *

    I would like my donation to be used for: *

    Upgrading of the lecture hall equipmentBuilding or repairing of cagesUpgrading the clinic buildingUpgrading the clinic equipmentTracking collars (Leopard/Hyena/Vultures)Educational and information museumAdmin officeVet accountMedication for the clinicMeat accountOther

    Name on Card *

    Card Number *

    CCV Number *

    Card Expiry date

    Card Type *

    Amount *