Rare Bird Arrives

rare bird arrives

A Sooty Tern arrived at the Centre on the 21 January. It could not fly due to being so weak and was in poor condition upon arrival. It is a rare for a bird such as this to find his way so far inland. Normally they feed by diving for fish in the sea. They live in large flocks and […]

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Baby Civet has arrived

cicet arrives

One of the little cuties brought is a 6 week old baby Civet which arrived on the 23rd January. She is the cutest thing and weighs 650grams. The reason for her coming in to us is a little sad. Before she arrived we had severe storms that we have never experienced in this area before causing much damage. We had […]

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Abandoned Baby White Rhino

rhino drinking

On Friday 6th January we received a call from a game farmer who had discovered an abandoned baby white rhino on his farm an hours drive away! When it comes to baby rhinos, this journey is definitely worth it! Brian, along with some staff members and students left and we began the adventure to collect the little thing. On arrival […]

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