Local School Month

Local School Month

The month of May has been one of our busiest months with local school group tours. By having them do our tour we are playing a big part in educating and spreading awareness of wildlife and the challenges it faces to the local community. For an example on the 17 May 2017 we had kids and teachers from Lumukisa Primary […]

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Baby Hippo

Baby Hippo

On the 10 April 2017 a week old male baby hippo was brought into the centre. He was found on the edge of the Blyde River near the Blyde Wildlife Estate walking up and down calling for its mother who was nowhere in sight. As it is a social animal and needed company 24 hours around the clock we had […]

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Wild Dog

wild dog

One of our resident wild dogs did not look well, we called our vet Dr Rodgers to come out and have a look at him. Piet darted the dog, but shortly after darting he passed away. As you can see by the photo he does not look good. We sent it in for an autopsy, but still do not know […]

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It always surprises me what one finds while out in the bush

Baboon Spider

While out on bush walk with a group of guests we stumbled upon this golden brown baboon spider. Indeed a very rare find on bush walk because these spiders are rarely found outside their burrows. It was a humongous female Golden Brown Baboon spider with a body length of approximately 75mm – indeed a large specimen. Most people fear these […]

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Moholoholo Ya Mati

Ya Mati

Brrrrrrr!  Feels like winter is here.  For the last week, it has been rather cold.  We haven’t seen the sun hopefully it will appear by the end of this long weekend. We had surprisingly late rain, 15mm. Our third wedding for April: Congratulations to Carlien en Hannes for getting married on the 29th April 2017.  They also had a garden […]

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