Moholoholo junior wildlife – school group survival

school water

Water is our most valuable resource, people dehydration and can die after three or four days without the water but can survive at least a week without water. Here our group of French students are learning survival and having a laugh over a competition on which group can find water first.

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MOHOLOHOLO RH Black Eagle, Cloudy Spot, Treatment

Black Eagles

One of our resident Black Eagles who originally came to us from Umgeni Bird Park in Durban, where she was used for shows turned aggressive as she is human imprinted. She has been our ambassador for Black Eagles since then. We brought her into the clinic as her left eye was closed and seemed to be bothering her. On expecting […]

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Moholoholo Tracking Course:


Had a great start to our tracking course held at Moholoholo with a leopard calling around camp all night last night. Tristan who was supposed to be studying for exams went out early to pick up tracks. He called us when located the tracks and where the leopard had made a kill. The tracking course followed the drag (the leopard […]

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Winter has arrived!!!!

Lucky for us temperatures has been mild during the day and chilly in the evenings. On the 13th May 2017 Yolande and Renier Slabbert got married at Ya Mati. They got married in our lovely Chapel. Due to unexpected rain we had to serve their welcoming drinks on the veranda of the chapel. We normally get summer rainfall so this […]

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White Backed Vulture – Broken wing

Vulture Left Wing

We received a call of a White Backed Vulture found on the side of the road in Kruger Park with a mangled left wing. Cody one of our staff members went to fetch at the Orpen Gate. Brian had just arrived back from long leave when it was brought in so he and Cody did the necessary procedures we always […]

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Local School Month

Local School Month

The month of May has been one of our busiest months with local school group tours with over 1000 in one week!! We have offered these special tours to educate these children on our wildlife and to make them more aware when playing or venturing through the veld what is around them and the important role these animals and birds […]

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Night Drive and Happenings

Cody and Eagle

Night drives are always a highlight for the volunteers. The moment for this is when leaving the main camp after dinner and taking a slow drive back to the volunteer house. They were very impressed with Cody’s guiding skills…a chameleon was spotted which is a very rare sight these days, a great sighting of a Spotted Eagle Owl and many […]

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Barn Owl Nest

Barn Owl and Chick

We released a Barn Owl on the reserve some years ago and each year it has returned to nest and raise her chicks. We place food out every night for the owls once we have released them to give them a head start so they won’t go hungry. This particular owl we thought was eating the food we put out […]

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