Spotted Eagle Owl (Game Fence)

Spotted Eagle Owl

At the moment we are treating a Spotted Eagle Owl that flew into a reserves game fence in the Mica area. It was hanging from its left eye, holding on tightly with its feet that they were bleeding. Some amazing people drove all the way from Mica to the rehab centre to bring us the owl. Its eye lid was […]

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Yellowed Billed Hornbills


Two Yellowed Billed Hornbills were brought into the center which we suspect of being hit by a car. We will keep them here until they are strong enough to be released back where they were found. We could not find anything broken or any injuries that we could physically see. They seem more stunned and weak at the moment.

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Wild Dog Pup

Wild Dog Pup

There was a pack of wild dogs on Middlesex Estate/ farm outside Hoedspruit that were killing their Impala faster than they could breed, so the owner decided to chase the pack away to another location. The pack had denned in their farm and the owner realized that one of the pups was left behind, so he left the 1-week old […]

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Baby Bushbuck

Bush Buck hit by car

A baby male bushbuck was hit by a car in a local Reserve. He is being looked after by Katie Hobson a vet student from England, who named him Teddy. During the day he is out in one of our grassy enclosures with Andi the grey duiker who had a broken leg, which is now healed. They are best friends […]

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Bateleur & Vulture

Vulture At The Vet

A Bateleur was found with a broken wing in the Mjejune Nature Reserve situated on the Crocodile River bordering the KNP near Malelane.  John Davis who works with Andre Botha at the Endangered Wildlife Trust kindly drove the eagle to us. The following day Brian took it to Provet our local vet in Hoedspruit to X-ray his broken wing, unfortunately […]

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Porcupine Trapped

We received a call from Charles Rheeder our neighbor who provides us with fresh cow’s milk every day for our babies that two porcupines got caught in our friendly traps. To him, they are problem animals as they were eating Charlie’s vegetables so instead of killing the porcupines he called us and that is when we put up a trap […]

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Tracking course with Colin Patrick at Moholoholo – Moholoholo

Tracking course with Colin Patrick at Moholoholo

This group just spent a week on a Tracking course with Colin  Patrick at Moholoholo. The focus was trailing so a lot of time was spent following animals like kudu, eland, buffalo, white and black rhino, elephant and even a monitor lizard.  Some of the highlights for the students was tracking a big male leopard for a couple of hours […]

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