Wild Dog

A captive breeding centre in Gravelotte, a little town about 90 kms from us, sent us a 12 year old male wild dog. The wild dog was being harassed by the pack as a result it was badly injured, they probably saw him as the weaker one and were trying to push him out. As he was not too wild […]

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African Hawk Eagle


Colin Patrick, Brian’s son in law was doing a tracking course at Nhoveni, on the other side of Hoedspruit bordering the Balule reserve which also borders Kruger National park. Colin found the hawk eagle lying on his back underneath a power line, which it had flown into. When the eagle arrived at the rehab we immediately gave it fluids as […]

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Black Headed Oriole

Black Headed Oriole

Paul, Brian’s son brought in a black headed oriole that flew into an electric fence. The wing feathers were singed by the fence which means it could not fly, it was so tame when brought in, almost as if it knew we were trying to help it! The feathers will take time to grow back so it will of course […]

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Yellowed Billed Hornbill releases

Yellowed Billed Hornbill releases

The time had come to release the two Yellow Billed Hornbills we mentioned some time back. They were now ready and strong enough to be released. With our volunteers we released them just outside the centre. Marisa Ortenblad a volunteer from Brazil and Abigail Greenwalt a volunteer from America opened up the baskets. Unfortunately we had to hold one back […]

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Moholoholo blog post 31 July 2017


One night we heard this loud thump noise outside our laundry service. I went to go have a look and you won’t believe what I saw…… Our own Stoffel (Honey Badger) at Ya Mati. For those who doesn’t know Stoffel, go and visit our Rehabilitation Centre to meet Stoffel. (the one that I saw is not Stoffel, it is a […]

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Moholoholo Ya Mati Blog 15 July 2017

Congratulations to Loraine & Jos

Congratulations to Loraine & Jos that got married on the 15th July 2017 at Ya Mati. They had their service in our Chapel, welcoming drinks on our green grass under the trees and reception was on our deck on top by the restaurant.

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