White Backed Vulture

White Backed Vulture

A juvenile White Backed Vulture was found on the ground in Vuyani Reserve. When we received the vulture we realized that it is still a nestling, so we had to create a nest for the vulture to stay in. Other than being very young to survive on its own there were no other injuries. During the day we put it […]

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White Headed Vulture


Update on the white headed vulture with the broken leg is doing well. Our staff exercise the leg to build muscle and make it stronger. We hope it will be soon that he will be strong enough for release.

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Injured Black Sparrowhawk


Over the road from Kampersrus our little nearby village, an adult Black Sparrow hawk had flown into the powerline and found lying on the ground with a broken wing and an injured right eye. This we do not think was a new injury as it was very skinny and must have been struggling for some days. The injuries were unfortunately […]

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Adult Squirrel


A family brought in a 6 week old male squirrel they named Sid and raised for 5 weeks. The family took great care of him as he was in very good condition. They asked us to please take him as they wanted him released in a better environment which they could not provide. When they are ready to release, we […]

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Rhino Relocation


Time had come for Ntaba our baby Rhino to look after himself and to be more like a rhino with his own kind. The day was a sad one, as we had to dart him and load him on the vehicle which would transfer and then released him on another reserve.. Apart from the sadness of him leaving us there […]

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Female Leopard


We were asked to hold a female leopard and her two cubs which eventually went into months and months. We were getting quite desperate as they really needed to be relocated somewhere where they could be free. We finally received the long awaited phone call to say there was a place to release them in Nkomazi Game reserve in Mpumalanga. […]

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Spotted Eagle Owl Chick


Once again A Spotted Eagle Owl is in the news, a one week old chick was found on the road in Blyde River Valley. We sometimes puzzle over the places these critters are found at times. He was very weak and hot. He is being fostered by Becky our volunteer staff member from the UK and named him George! He […]

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Hail Storm Victims


We experienced one of the worst hail storms here at the centre and surrounding areas with hail the size of golf balls. These are some victims as a result of the hail: Black Headed Oriole, Cattle Egret and a Black Sparrowhawk. The Black Headed Oriole was found by the manager of Moholoholo Mountain View Colin Patrick. The only injury the […]

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