White Stork


A White Stork was found on the side of the road near our centre. When Cody fetched the stork it was found to be very weak, as there were no injuries we suspected it had been poisoned. We gave it a lot of fluids to flush the poison out and keep it hydrated. The stork is did very well and […]

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Poisoned Spotted Eagle Owl

spotted eagle owl

A Spotted Eagle Owl came to us from Sabi Sands Game Reserve, it was suspected of having secondary poisoning from eating poisoned rats and mice. The owls legs and wings were paralyzed as which is a sure sign of poisoning. Due to its state we had to start off by force feeding it as it was too weak to feed […]

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Honey Badger Introduction

Honey Badger Introduction

It was finally time to introduce our newest member of our honey badger family (the badger that came from Tenikwa Wildlife and Rehabilitation Centre in Plettenberg Bay) to our youngest one Stompie. When we first put them together Badji (the new one) went straight for Stompie, luckily Stompie crawled up in a ball and protected himself, so he didn’t get […]

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Brown snake eagle

Brown Snake Eagle

A Brown Snake Eagle was brought to us with an injured wing. It had a big wound on the wing which we think was caused by a thorn on a Sickle Bush that ripped the wing when it was hunting and dived for its prey. The wound became infected with Gangrene even after cleaning it frequently, so we had to […]

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