Just as with December

Just as with December

December was a very busy months for avian patents and January is proving to be no different. We began with a steppe buzzard that was suspected to be hit by a car. He had a suspected neck injury as his head was rotated almost 180 degrees. He was kept hydrated and put on a course of anti-inflammatory. For the first […]

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Lizzard Buzzard


A young lizard buzzard was brought in after his nest had been destroyed. He was very skinny and his right wing was hanging much lower than the left. Luckily, there was no break in the wing or any open wounds. Hopefully with time and rest his wing will come right and fingers crossed he can be released once he is […]

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Thank You

thank you blog

We want to say a big thank you to Simone and Kurt Feissli for their very kind donation of cleaning supplies. And a huge thank you to Roy Ruland, our past volunteer for sending much needed cleaning supplies all the way from the USA! It is will help tremendously! Students and staff are so grateful for the addition of better […]

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A young Bateleur is the newest patient to Moholoholo clinic. He was suspected to be poisoned however it became apparent that upon arrival that he was weak and starved. It is unknown how the youngster came to end up on the ground, but sadly it meant that mum and dad would not feed him now that he wasn’t on the […]

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The Start of a New Meant Even More Admittances

spotted eagle owl

The start of a new week brought with it more admittances. An African hawk eagle with very similar paralysis as the steppe buzzard mentioned previously was brought in. He had movement in the wings and head but none in the legs. He was taken to the vet for x rays which showed us that he in fact had a broken […]

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