Barn Owl Nest

Barn Owl and Chick

We released a Barn Owl on the reserve some years ago and each year it has returned to nest and raise her chicks. We place food out every night for the owls once we have released them to give them a head start so they won’t go hungry.

This particular owl we thought was eating the food we put out but one day Brian found an owl pellet near the nesting spot that was from the Barn Owl, (Pellets are the fur, bones, teeth, feathers and insect shells that their stomachs cannot digest so they form a tight pellet that the owl spits out) It had the skull and jaw of a mouse, which meant that she was catching her own food. We were so happy that she was able to provide for herself and her young. The other amazing thing is she is nesting on the ground. Fortunately for this year she still has her chicks as they are so vulnerable to Genets.