Moholoholo Ya Mati

Ya Mati

Brrrrrrr!  Feels like winter is here.  For the last week, it has been rather cold.  We haven’t seen the sun hopefully it will appear by the end of this long weekend.

We had surprisingly late rain, 15mm. Our third wedding for April: Congratulations to Carlien en Hannes for getting married on the 29th April 2017.  They also had a garden wedding with welcome drinks scattered under our big trees and reception was in the teagarden.

With both weddings, our resident hippo was the main attractions while having welcoming drinks.   He has been spotted at night by our guests wondering around the garden.  A few times he has been spotted also having a swim at the small pond by our gate.

Sadly, we have to say goodbye to Tamzin Davids whom has been working for us nearly a year between Ya Mati and Forest Camp.