Rentia Matz is a Dear Friend

rentia and stompie

Rentia Matz is a dear friend of the rehab who is especially fond of our crazy honey badgers! Her love and passion for these incredible animals is to be admired and we cannot thank her enough for all she does for us and the animals! No words can show how truly grateful we are to be blessed with such a […]

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We would like to say a huge thank you to Kiah Wilson and the very generous Struggletown veterinary hospital and Taronga wildlife hospital for their amazing donations. Kiah returned to volunteer at Moholoholo this month after his first visit to the centre last year, this time bringing lots of goodies all the way from Australia which the veterinary practices kindly […]

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Second porcupine baby

Porcupine Baby

At the beginning of June a young porcupine was brought to us from a local farmer and quickly made her way into hearts of our staff and volunteers. Our spikey edition to the family was only at the rehab for one week when a second porcupine youngster was welcomed. The newest edition is expected to be the sibling of our […]

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Valeree & Mpho Wedding on the 28th June 2018

A winter wedding that started off with lovely weather. Blue skies and not a cloud to be seen. Next to the rive a bit chilly but bearable. They got married on the green grass under the lovely big trees. On arrival the guest was treated with beautiful music while they were waiting for the bride to be. After the ceremony […]

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Porcupine baby

Porcupine baby

At the beginning of June a young porcupine was brought to us from a local farmer, she was estimated to be about 2 months old and found wandering alone. Porcupines usually wean at about 3 months old so this little one was still too young to be on her own just yet. Nikita has taken on role of mum and […]

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Serval mom and her kittens

Serval mom and her kittens

One of our female servals had two adorable little kittens. They are now a month old, growing up fast and doing well – feeding on milk and rats. As we have a successful Serval breeding program our main goal is to prepare them for release. In the Eastern Cape, Nature Conservation officials claimed that Servals had become extinct in the […]

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Insect-Eating Bat

Insect-Eating Bat

A baby Insect-eating Bat fell from a tree in Tremisana Lodge in Balule Game Reserve. The Bat pup was escorted by a Viva Safi guide and guests, who were joining our morning tour. The pup was so tiny and had its eyes closed, we didn’t think it would survive the night. Due to the excellent work of Nikita, Head of […]

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Student’s recent activities:

Student’s recent activities:

Kruger trip on the 28th Nov (Cody was their guide – his ability to spot animals and his knowledge) Eco Caves 07th Nov (beautiful side it was) Nhoveni Sleep out 09th Nov (Amazing experience to fall asleep under the stars and all the sound of the animals) This past month our Student Volunteers were given the opportunity to explore our […]

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Mariepskop Laerskool

Mariepskop Laerskool

Mariepskop Laerskool did their Grade 7 farewell on the 9th November 2017. They did their farewell party down in our Teagarden area next to the river. Their theme for the evening was “Super Hero’s”. The Teagarden was lit up with our fairy lights. The trees and the top deck or restaurant to. For each child they did a small presentation […]

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wildog puppy


Alika the wildog puppy that arrived here in July 2017 at only 1 week old was given a teddy bear to keep her company when left alone. She is now 5 months old and still so attached to this teddy just as a human baby to its dummy! She will carry it with her whether to eat, drink or sleep…no […]

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