We were amazingly donated money to be specifically used to renovate our clinic!

treating and saving South Africa’s wildlife

At the start of 2020 we were amazingly donated money to be specifically used to renovate our clinic! We cannot thank ex volunteer Bjorn Persson and his wife enough for enabling us to create a better, more hygienic and efficient workspace to continue treating and saving South Africa’s wildlife! With all of the building work happening in the clinic at […]

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Moholoholo has had a very busy start to 2020, the busiest since 2016!

Towards the end of January, we were called to assist with an emergency at a reserve about 4 hours away in Northern Limpopo. There had been a mass poisoning (the poison was laced on a donkey) and already over 50 vultures, 3 lions and one leopard had been found dead close to the scene. After loading up the bakkie with […]

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Another attack on the vulture population

3 white backed vultures

3 white backed vultures were found partially paralysed and very weak on a nearby reserve. The workers managed to catch them and acting from vet advice they brought them straight to us. Upon arrival, the crop of each vulture was manually emptied to remove any potentially poisoned meat remaining that not had not yet been digested. The vultures still had […]

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Meet Crash…


Crash is our resident one-winged Black Stork. He was admitted to our clinic with a broken wing in 2014, unfortunately the wing had to be amputated as the break was so bad. As Crash can no longer fly, he free roams around the centres grounds. Crash is a very intelligent bird, every day around 4pm he wanders up to our […]

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Volunteering at its best!

Volunteers Working

The students have been very busy these last few months! From nursing bushbabies, to relocating lions, the Moholoholo volunteers are always learning something new and experiencing once in a lifetime moments. The caring of our resident animals and furry/feathery patients are never an easy set task. It’s unpredictable of what might come through the Rehab’s doors, and you need to […]

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The Crocodile Has Been Caught

the crocodile has been caught

Wednesday morning got off to an ordinary start until it was quickly interrupted by a call saying that the crocodile had been caught! A day and a half after setting the trap luck was on our side. Everything was put on hold and we all rushed to get to the sight where we had set the trap and catch a […]

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We Had a Call From


We had a call from a resident at Hippo Pools about a crocodile who had taken up residence in a waterhole nearby his home. Dogs are a hugely appealing meal to a crocodile and unfortunately for this home owner he owns several, meaning almost every evening the croc would approach the house in search of his next meal. An environmental […]

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Two Fell Off Nest After Storms

Two fell off nest after storms

Over the course of the past two months we have had 5 cape vultures and 2 hooded vultures brought into the clinic. Unfortunately, the Cape vulture that was brought in to us after being confiscated from poachers. He was doing amazing in his outside enclosure for about 5 days, when out of the blue he began to show signs of […]

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Just as with December

Just as with December

December was a very busy months for avian patents and January is proving to be no different. We began with a steppe buzzard that was suspected to be hit by a car. He had a suspected neck injury as his head was rotated almost 180 degrees. He was kept hydrated and put on a course of anti-inflammatory. For the first […]

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Lizzard Buzzard


A young lizard buzzard was brought in after his nest had been destroyed. He was very skinny and his right wing was hanging much lower than the left. Luckily, there was no break in the wing or any open wounds. Hopefully with time and rest his wing will come right and fingers crossed he can be released once he is […]

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