Hyena Trap

Hyena Trap

For the second time this year, a school in a local village close to Moholoholo Rehab Centre was visited by two adult Spotted Hyenas. Although this is not a bizarre sighting for a village located so close to the Kruger National Park and other nature reserves, the threat of the hyenas harming the children is very real. The local people often have no option other than shooting the hyenas before they cause harm. Luckily this time Moholoholo Rehab Centre was was contacted by the school asking for help.

Brian and our volunteers placed three large predator traps around the school were the hyenas have been regularly sighted, they were baited with large bones and pieces of meat. Our volunteers had great fun rubbing antelope stomach around the traps and surrounding trees in order to create an alluring smell to hopefully entice the hyenas towards the traps.

We will be checking the traps daily, hoping they will be caught and safely relocated.